When are the Peace Promise Weekends?
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the 1st weekend of the month in February, August, and November and Mother's Day weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) in May.
How can I get involved?
- Donate
- Buy apparel
- Attend public meetings
- Host a public meeting in your community space
- Attend Sacred Space Rituals
- Host a life-affirming event during a Peace Promise Weekend
- Become an Ambassador for Baltimore Peace Movement: Be on the lookout for the next time we're accepting applications!
- Make an event you're hosting (any time of the year) be in participation with Baltimore Peace Movement. See the "Get Involved" page.
- Attend life-affirming events during Peace Promise Weekends
- Take the Baltimore Peace Promise
- Commit to community outreach in between Peace Promise Weekends
- Share social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
- Click the "Contact" page to join our email list
- Advocate for the Baltimore Peace Movement in your schools, churches, work places, etc.
- Put a poster in your window at home
- Keep flyers in your place of business
- Anything else you can think of to spread the message!
Where can I get printed flyers and posters?
Baltimore Community Mediation Center
3333 Greenmount Avenue, 21218
Monday through Thursday during normal business hours (preferably 10:00 am - 4:00pm). You must text 443-681-6177 to arrange pick-up.